a doctor tries to practice what she preaches to lose weight

Posts tagged ‘Sleep apnea’

Who & Why

Weightloss pyramid.

Image via Wikipedia

Last time I told you why I want to blog. Now its time to tell you who I am and why you should care. I am a doctor who is 43 and overweight. I  practice  pediatrics for some big HMO in California that shall remain anonymous at this point.

I have always weighed way more than I should since starting medical school. It has gotten worse over the years and now I fear I must do something. It’s not about looking cute or fitting into the perfect dress.  Not that isn’t important. I have decided I’m already cute and the dress doesn’t matter.
Now, I don’t want to continue to have sleep apnea & knee pain. I don’t want to get diabetes. I’m in my forty’s and I know  people with these issues who seem to think weight has nothing to do with it or are just ignoring that fact. But it does. I can’t ignore it any longer.

I also want to be a positive role model for my child and my patients. How can I tell you to eat healthy when I don’t. I want to keep up with my 9 y/o.

Now why you should  care. I find losing weight and keeping it off is tricky. There is a lot of information and misinformation out there. I  hope that watching me wade through the crap might help you and I know it will help me. If you are looking for medical advice ,you will not find it here.  I do enough of that all day at work. But I can add my ability in sifting through advice that is worthless. So let’s start this journey to be healthy and have sustained weight loss.