a doctor tries to practice what she preaches to lose weight

Posts tagged ‘vegan’

Driving My Child Crazy!


I’ve been trying some Vegan recipes for breakfast lately and driving my 9 y/o nuts! Its the smell! I made a tofu scramble yesterday with onion ,garlic,nutritional yeast and soy sauce. She pulled out the Lysol! This morning it was tofu scramble latin style with garlic ,onions and cilantro. She added the fan to the Lysol. Mom what happened to oatmeal? This stuff stinks!!! Oh well I guess she can eat upstairs. I’m keeping my tofu!!!

Amazing Meal is Awesome !



I love to share my favorite new foods. Amazing meal by Amazing grass is my new crave. The chocolate infusion feeds my chocolate addiction in a healthy way. For my morning snack at work I mix this with almond milk. It’s great for my post workout meal/ night snack. I’ll add a banana and peanut butter. It fits right into my gluten/ dairy free trial. I know I probably sound like an advertisement but I love new foods. I usually prefer my fruits and veggies  fresh but this is a great way to get in an extra serving or two a day. Like the commercials used to say ” try it you’ll like it”.

Diet Confusion!

I guess if I was losing 1-2 lbs a weeks it I wouldn’t look into all these crazy diets. BF (before 40) I could lose weight. Not a problem I just couldn’t keep it off. I’m not mad that I’m not losing like before. I have made progress and trying to make life long changes. I also want to be healthy ,not just slimmer. This is where the confusion comes in. You got your vegan, raw,gluten-free, clean eating , primal,no grain people, what the heck am I supposed to eat? I’M NOT SAYING ANY OF THESE ARE WRONG!  I’m just puzzled. I thought whole grains were healthy now Dr Mercola says no grains except fruit and veggies. The Health Hound says all fruits and veggies are ok but eat grains only after a work out. I’m a doctor and I’m confused.  The Primal/Paleo sounds like Atkins. Did caveman live long enough to be healthy? The more I look at different diets the more I feel frustrated. I don’t know what works the best for me. It ‘s really trial and error and I have to do what makes sense to me. For now I will increase my veggies, continue to eat my fruit, and choose lean proteins and whole grains. You can’t go wrong with that or can you? I would love to hear what works for you.