a doctor tries to practice what she preaches to lose weight

Posts tagged ‘Garlic’

Driving My Child Crazy!


I’ve been trying some Vegan recipes for breakfast lately and driving my 9 y/o nuts! Its the smell! I made a tofu scramble yesterday with onion ,garlic,nutritional yeast and soy sauce. She pulled out the Lysol! This morning it was tofu scramble latin style with garlic ,onions and cilantro. She added the fan to the Lysol. Mom what happened to oatmeal? This stuff stinks!!! Oh well I guess she can eat upstairs. I’m keeping my tofu!!!

Got Garlic?

Is this a food blog or a weight loss blog? It’s hard to say. This is one of my problems . I love to eat! I love to travel . How to do that ,work, lose weight and be a mom is challenging. I took my daughter on our annual summer weekend trip to “The City“. This is the nickname for San Francisco. We live in the burbs about an hour away. This is my second time in a week going to The City to eat. On our mother-daughter trip we spend the night and do tourist stuff. We ride the metro to get around. My husband is from the area and doesn’t find this exciting. We do walk a lot which is great. This trip we did Fisherman Wharf and North Beach. I tortured my child by taking her to The Stinking Rose. She thinks it stinks! I love it! I’m a garlic fanatic. It’s still oozing out of my pores 2 days later. The motto is we season our garlic with food. I ordered Zuppa di Pesce. It’s a tomato based seafood stew. It was awesome. I did break my dairy rule and have a cannoli but we walked two miles to and from the restaurant. I think that was a good trade-off. I know I’d walk more if I lived in a major city. Mmm that’s an idea. If your a foodie San Francisco is the best.


Zuppa di Pesce and a nice Chianti


The Bay Bridge

Kale My New Crave!


Image via Wikipedia

I’ve been a spinach and okra girl lately but I have to change it up so I won’t get bored. I bought Kale and I’m loving it! I never really ate it growing up. I’m used to turnip and mustard greens. I put in my omelet for breakfast, I ate for lunch with brown rice and chicken apple sausage. Dinner kale sauteed in a tsp coconut oil with garlic and cayenne pepper,grilled chicken breast and sweet potato. I’ve also seen some great recipes for green smoothies and Kale chips. I tried store bought kale chips and they were gross. Fresh is the best. I like that Kale  has a peppery taste. It goes good with garlic and of course my favorite red pepper. Whats your favorite kale recipe?