a doctor tries to practice what she preaches to lose weight

Posts tagged ‘Raw foodism’

Diet Confusion!

I guess if I was losing 1-2 lbs a weeks it I wouldn’t look into all these crazy diets. BF (before 40) I could lose weight. Not a problem I just couldn’t keep it off. I’m not mad that I’m not losing like before. I have made progress and trying to make life long changes. I also want to be healthy ,not just slimmer. This is where the confusion comes in. You got your vegan, raw,gluten-free, clean eating , primal,no grain people, what the heck am I supposed to eat? I’M NOT SAYING ANY OF THESE ARE WRONG!  I’m just puzzled. I thought whole grains were healthy now Dr Mercola says no grains except fruit and veggies. The Health Hound says all fruits and veggies are ok but eat grains only after a work out. I’m a doctor and I’m confused.  The Primal/Paleo sounds like Atkins. Did caveman live long enough to be healthy? The more I look at different diets the more I feel frustrated. I don’t know what works the best for me. It ‘s really trial and error and I have to do what makes sense to me. For now I will increase my veggies, continue to eat my fruit, and choose lean proteins and whole grains. You can’t go wrong with that or can you? I would love to hear what works for you.

Do You!

I thought peer pressure swas dead by the time you reached 40.  I have had pressure from both sides over the past week. I have been encouraged to eat and drink more and less this week. I have decided no hard alcohol for the summer.  Vodka  and  Tequila are not my friends anymore. I don’t like the way I feel the next day. I don’t have time for a hangover and getting it is not as fun as it used to be. My passion  is martial arts and cooking.  Right now I prefer a good night sleep over staying up late drinking. That’s not to say I don’t enjoy a good glass of wine and good food. I do. Just in moderation. On the other hand I had a discussion in whole foods with a raw food person. I can do some raw food but don’t make me feel like I’m going to hell if I don’t go whole hog or should that be leaf.

My point of this post is DO YOU! What ever it is. My husband is watching over my shoulder . He is amazed at the blogging thing. He calls me a techogeek and he is a dinosaur. He just got a i phone and won’t put music on it yet.  He burns cd’s? We are as different as we can be on lots of things but we appreciate the differences.  He loves that I do me! So when your making changes don’t cave in to peer pressure. One of my new Twitter friends posted craigballantyne (@craigballantyne)
7/7/11 3:52 AM
The life we lead is because of the choices we make. If we want our lives to change, we have to take responsibility for the world we create.
I say DO YOU!