a doctor tries to practice what she preaches to lose weight

Posts tagged ‘working mom’

How Do You Do It All?

How do you do it all? I don’t know the answer to that question. I’m a working mom and that answer escapes me. The problem is I don’t want to let that make me crazy. It will if you let it. My cousin asked me to join her Tough Mudder team this morning. It’s a 2 day 10 mile obstacle course. We have a year to train. I said yes right off the bat. She is in the same boat that I am.We are over 40 doctors on a mission to lose weight and avoid diabetes. The moment after I said yes anxiety set in. How am I going to do this?  I already do Tae Kwon Do. Fourth grade homework is killing me. I just fired the every two-week house cleaning service. When will I have the time.? I will make time . I actually need to go back to my previous schedule. I was doing good with weights and Tae Kwon Do. Working out 5-6 days a week until July hit. Then I started traveling and got sick and traveled again and hurt my foot. Shall I go on? This is the perfect excuse to get out of this rut. I still don’t know how I will do it. But I will. One day at a time.

Pool Workout For Weightloss


You don’t have to swim laps to get your workout on in the pool! I’m a working mom and have to get my workout in when I can. Where I live its 97 degrees in the shade. Our backyard pool has been my savior. I can play with my kid and work out. I did this on my recent vacation and decided to continue this week. its a nice change of pace. I warm up by treading water then alternate resistance training with cardio. My waterproof watch helps me keep time. You can use water weights but a noodle or pool ball will do. Don’t forget your sunscreen.

My Workout

  • warm up 5 min tread water 2 minutes, Butt kickers 2 minutes, jumping jacks 1 minute
  • lateral arm raises, front arm raise hammer curls and dips for 2 minutes (about 30 each)
  • cardio 2 minutes – jumping jacks,but kickers
  • squats and lunges on pool stairs 1 minute
  • I repeat x 3 then I swim laps last 5 minutes